The Twin Hearts Meditation, created by Master Choa Kok Sui, is a service tool through which, those who practice it, come to perceive their purpose and meaning of life, as well as their sense of belonging to the Existence and the connection with every living form. It consists in […]
Daily Archives: 2018-07-02
… We are not our thoughts … We are not our emotions … There exists in us a higher level of consciousness that oversees and includes our mental activity … When reached, it allows us to rise above our rooted unhealthy habits, beyond the schemes , beyond family, cultural and […]
“This Invocation or Prayer does not belong to anyone or to any group, but to all of Humanity.The beauty and strength of it are in its simplicity, and in its expression of certain central truths that all men […]
REIKI and PRANIC HEALING are two disciplines aimed at reintegrating, regenerating, and harmonizing the energy body of a human being through the conscious use of the Universal Energy that is channeled by the qualified operator on the person to be treated through specific techniques. Studies have shown that the […]
We can possess great talents, but if we are not willing to follow them we will always remain in the same place. This can be ok, if we do not fall into regret for not having dared to try. We can choose either to regret or to enhance our courage […]
We usually turn to an expert to treat our health. When we are not able to understand what is compromising our body/mind balance, we too often seek treatment outside of ourselves, through a doctor, a therapist, a medicine, a medicinal herb. If only, before even abdicating our healing power outside, […]
We approach a discipline such as Reiki and / or Pranic Healing, sometimes when we have a psycho-physical problem or a problematic situation to be solved. In such cases, we rely on a qualified therapist, undergo a trial treatment, experience healing and, eventually, decide to undergo on a cycle of […]
In the Himalayas and more precisely between the Karakorum and the Kun Lun chain, on the slopes of Mount Kailash, in the Gobi desert, every year on May, during the full moon of the Taurus Constellation, on a rock about 4×2 meters wide that lies in that valley the ceremony […]