Have you have dared to be happy?
Have you have dared to be happy?

Bibliography and References


this is to inform you that the notions of alchemy and esotericism displayed in the contents on this web page are the summary of my personal interpretation and experience of Transformative Alchemy, based on my studies, which draw inspiration from the esoteric and spiritual paths and schools I frequented, and on which my conception of existential purpose as well as service, is based, with particular note to this twilight moment that sees the human being, if aware of its resources, possibilities and talents, as the center and junction of an evolutionary process that will lead to a ” new way of seeing “based on understanding through direct experience and individual fulfillment, as well as, in the appropriate, cases, to a real, leap in consciousness. In this, according to the vision that has taken shape in me, joy, as an inner condition plays a decisive role as a principle and as a means and aim of inner knowledge. Much has been given to me, also and sometimes, to an extent even greater, thanks to a vibrational affinity, mastery of exposure, mastery, competence, openness of Heart and love for research and for the Truth, by contemporary speakers and reporters, endowed with a particular sensitive soul and level of consciousness, which, even when I did not get to know them personally, through their seminars, video-seminars, video-courses, books and handouts and continuous studies and updates of the knowledge of the Soul, so complex and sometimes indecipherable for the common reader, they put them to my reach and within reach of those who sincerely seek answers, supporting my psycho-physical balance and helping me to make sense of my life in difficult and delicate moments.

I thank from the bottom of my heart, with immense gratitude, Osho, Salvatore Brizzi (before he changed his diet) and Erica Francesca Poli in the first place, Emiliano Soldani, Igor Sibaldi, Fabio Marchesi, Alberto Lori, Master Usui, Master Choa Kok Sui, Giuliana Conforto, Vittorio Marchi, Antonio Maione, Anima.TV, Il Giardino dei Libri, Davide and Floriana Bombarda and many others, … Special deep heartfelt thanks go to the Great Masters who inspired and guided them from the High of Heaven, making them an instrument of the Divine Will. Atma Namaste)”

If you are interested in the texts, videos and other bibliographic and videographic publishing issued by the authors and reporters which I am inspired to and from whom I have learned the notions and teachings which I refer to in my articles , in order to acquire a better knowledge of the disciplines, studies and topics offered on this website, you can click on the following link:
Soon a detailed bibliography by author and title will be provided
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